Ziggurat Knitting Retreat May 2018 – Single Rooms now available


I have excellent news to share with you today concerning our Ziggurat Knitting Retreat with Åsa Tricosa May 10th-13th 2018.

Following several inquiries for single rooms for our retreat, I have now found a possibility to offer a number of single rooms.

There are single rooms available at the Bahnhof Hohenstein as well as at the nearby Landgasthof Wiesenmühle.

Please find all the information about availability and prices on the event website:  https://www.handherzseele.de/ziggurat-knitting-retreat-2018/.

I expect single rooms to book quickly, so don’t wait too long if you’d like to join us for some Ziggurating Fun with Åsa Tricosa!

Wishing you a happy Sunday!
hand herz seele